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Here’s Why the ‘Creator Middle Class’ Is So Important—And How We Strengthen It

2022-04-09 02:35


LBLeague, online creators, YouTuber MrBeast,

Here’s Why the ‘Creator Middle Class’ Is So Important—And How We Strengthen It

But I’m more impressed by another figure: two million, the number of professional online creators who are following their dreams and making enough of a...


YouTuber MrBeast has 71.6 million subscribers and is rumored to make $24 million a year. That’s pretty jaw-dropping, to be sure. But I’m more impressed by another figure: two million, the number of professional online creators who are following their dreams and making enough of a living to be producing content full-time. And that’s only scratching the surface of the greater opportunity here: In total, more than 50 million... 

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